What is copyright?
Copyright is the right of individuals, organizations for literary, artistic and scientific works they create or own, commonly known as copyright (copyright)
Why should we register?
It is a basis for affirming the prestige and protection of copyright for subjects protected by law.

- Press works
- Architectural works
- Theater works
- Cinematographic works
- Lectures, speeches and other talks.
- Fine art work
- Map, drawings...... More
Objects protected
- Literary, scientific works, textbooks, textbooks and other works shall be in the form of letters or other characters;
- Lectures, speeches and speeches;
- Press works;
- Music works;
- Stage works;
- Cinematographic works and works created under the same method (hereinafter referred collectively to as cinematographic works);
- Fine art works;
- Photographic works;
- Architectural works;
- Sketches, diagrams, maps and drawings related to terrain and scientific works;
- Literary and folklore works;
- Computer program, data collection.
Objects are not protected
- News of purely informational which is short, daily news releases that are not newsworthy.
- Administrative documents include documents of state agencies, political organizations, socio-political organizations, socio-political organizations - occupational organizations, social organizations, socio-professional organizations , enterprises, economic organizations, people's armed forces units and other organizations as prescribed by law.
- Process, system, methods of operation, concepts, principles and data.
- Consult registration logo copyright.
- Complete the file, follow up the application and respond to the registry (if any).
- Receive the Certificate of Copyright Registration.
- Appeal decisions related to the issuance of copyright certificates.
- Logo templates which are needed to be registered.
- Logo description (if available)
- Information about the author and owner
- Consult registration of copyright works written
- Complete the file, follow up the application and respond to the registry (if any).
- Receive the Certificate of Copyright Registration.
- Appeal decisions related to the issuance of copyright certificates
- Printed work.
- Author information and owner
1.3 Copyright of computer program
- Consult registration computer program copyright
- Complete the file, follow up the application and respond to the registry (if any).
- Receive the Certificate of Copyright Registration
- Appeal decisions related to the issuance of copyright certificates.
- Source code and software registration protection interface (CD, print book)
- Information about the author and copyright owner.
1.4 Copyright of musical works
- Consult copyright music works.
- Complete the file, follow up the application and respond to the registry (if any).
- Receive the Certificate of Copyright Registration.
- Appeal decisions related to the issuance of copyright certificates.
- Printed work.
- Information of the author and copyright owner
1.5 Copyright works of photography
- Consult copyright registration of photographic works..
- Complete the file, follow up the application and respond to the registry (if any).
- Receive the Certificate of Copyright Registration.
- Appeal decisions related to the issuance of copyright certificates.
- Picture files which are needed to be registered
- Information about the author and copyright owner

What is copyright
- Copyright is the right of individuals, organizations for literary, artistic and scientific works they create or own, often called copyrights.
- This right allows the author / owner to exercise personal and property rights. Such as: publishing, copying, distributing...
Who is the author?
Authors are people who directly create a part or whole of literary, artistic and scientific works, including:
- Vietnamese individuals whose works are protected by copyright;
- Foreign individuals whose works are created and displayed in certain material forms in Vietnam;
- Foreign individuals whose works are published for the first time in Vietnam;
- Foreign individuals whose works are protected in Vietnam under international treaties on copyright in which Vietnam is a member.
Note: Organizations and individuals, who do support, contribute ideas or provide materials to other people to create works are not recognized as authors.
Why should we register for copyright?
Today, along with great spiritual value, the art, science, logo, computer program ... also have very high commercial value. Once there is a commercial element attached to the work, there will be bad subjects who deliberately steal or copy the work. Because profits from unauthorized use are huge, while the offender does not pay a royalty and they even do not cost a great deal of research, thought or composing to create the work, this is really unfair to the author - who use the time and the grey matter to create the work.
Therefore, in order to protect your rights, the author / owner of the work should proceed to register the copyright.
Benefits of registering for copyright:
- When there is a conflict, the author who has obtained the certificate of copyright registration has no obligation to prove his / her copyright, unless there is evidence to the contrary;
- In terms of marketing tools, the logo is a sign that helps identify and affirm the business credibility of the business in production and business. Assert a product / service of clear origin and quality is guaranteed.
- It is a condition to prove that the product (design drawings, computer programs, research works ...) is a legitimate product, protecting the prestige of the author / owner of authentic authorship;
- The time for registration in comparison with the establishment of industrial property rights (inventions, industrial designs, and marks) is much quick;