Subjects scope of permanent residence registration:
- Overseas Vietnamese holding valid passports or passport substitute papers granted by foreign authorities (hereinafter foreign passport).
- Overseas Vietnamese who do not hold foreign passports, but permanent residence papers granted by foreign authorities.
- Overseas Vietnamese holding valid Vietnamese passport.
By virtue of Law of Residence 2006, overseas Vietnamese may register permanent residence as following requirements:
- Have valid papers evidencing Vietnamese nationality.
- Have valid papers evidencing that the applicant lawfully has own home in Vietnam; or lawfully has homes by lease or borrowing of or permission of stay in house of individual.
Furthermore, overseas Vietnamese applicants who wish to permanently reside in centrally run cities shall be required further conditions to prove their eligibility for registering permanent residence in those cities.
Additionally, an overseas Vietnamese who applies for registration of permanent residence in a religious institution in Vietnam and practice religious activities shall obtain written permission of the head of the religious institution for such residence registration enclosed with papers evidencing that the applicant is a religious dignitary, religious person or religious activist under the law on beliefs and religions, and written permission of a competent Vietnamese agency in charge of religious affairs of the applicants.
According to Article 39 Law on entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam, these following subjects will be lawfully granted for residing permanently in Vietnam:
- Foreigners who have contributed to the development and protection of Vietnam and are awarded medals of titles by Vietnam’s government.
- Foreigners who are scientists or experts temporarily residing in Vietnam.
- Any foreigners sponsored by his parent, spouse, or child who is a Vietnamese citizen and has a permanent residence in Vietnam.
- Any person without nationalities who has had a temporary residence in Vietnam from 2000 or earlier.
Conditions for considering grant of permanent residence status:
- Has a legitimate residence and is making a decent living in Vietnam.
- Those who are scientists or experts must be proposed by the Ministers, Heads of ministerial agencies or Governmental agencies in corresponding fields.
- Those sponsored by his parent, spouse, or child who is a Vietnamese citizen and is residing permanently in Vietnam, have been living in Vietnam temporarily for three consecutive years or more.
CIS Law Firm will support you for submission of permanent residence in a fast and convenient way by following services:
- Advise fundamental information for conditions, procedures of permanent residence registration;
- Translate, notarize translation, consular legalization for permanent residence registration;
- Complete permanent residence card application documents;
- Implement administrative formalities for permanent residence application;
- Advise and implement for renew permanent residence card.
If any further questions, please kindly contact to CIS Law Firm to get more precisely essential information by Email: info@cis.vn or telephone: (+84)028.39118581
Definition: temporary residence card is a document issued by an immigration authority or a competent authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to a foreigner who is permitted to reside in Vietnam for a certain period of time. This card is a visa.
Subjects scope of temporary residence:
- Foreigners who have work permit.
- Those who have invested activities in Vietnam.
- Those who have relative owning temporary residence card.
- Those who are members of Limited Liability Partnership.
- Those who is owner of Limited Liability Company.
- Those who are member of Board of Director of Joint Stock Company.
- Foreign lawyers who are issued lawyer license by Vietnam Ministry of Justice.
- Foreign laborers, who have work permit, are working for foreign enterprises, agencies.
- Experts, students who are working and studying in International programs, projects issued by Government.
- Followed relatives including parent, spouse, under 18 years child of foreigners who have temporary residence card.
By following services:
- Advise fundamental information for conditions, procedures of temporary residence registration;
- Translate, notarize translation, consular legalization for temporary residence registration;
- Complete temporary residence card application documents;
- Implement administrative formalities for temporary residence application;
- Renew temporary residence card.
With prestigious and full experience lawyers, CIS Law Firm provides you the best legal services. If any further questions, please kindly contact to get more precisely essential information by Email: info@cis.vn or telephone: (+84)028.39118581.
Overseas Vietnamese can choose one of two following methods to retention of Vietnamese nationality:
- Register to retain Vietnam Nationality (yet losing Vietnam Nationality).
- Implement to restore Vietnam Nationality (in the situation of losing Vietnam Nationality). Individual may retain foreign nationality in some specific circumstances.
Benefits of Dual Nationality Registration:
- Being allowed to transfer between two Nations without implementing legal procedures.
- Being provided invested policies and procedures as a local citizen.
- Get more opportunities in finding jobs and working legally in countries that individual has nationalities.
- Validly owned assets without legal limitation.
CIS Law Firm will give you all and further fundamental information by following services:
- Advise and deliver essential services of certificating of Vietnam origin.
- Give fundamental information for conditions and procedures of retention or restoring Vietnam Nationality registration.
- Prepare and complete documents in retaining or restoring Vietnam Nationality.
- Implement administrative formalities for registration.
- Solve issues related national disputes.
If any question, please kindly contact to CIS Law Firm to get more precisely essential information by Email: info@cis.vn or telephone: (+84)028.39118581.
- Man has reached the age of twenty or over, the women as reached the age of eighteen or over.
- The marriage is mutually voluntarily decided; neither partner is allowed to force or deceive the other; nobody is allowed to force or obstruct their marriage.
- The marriage does not fall into one of the circumstances where marriage is forbidden.
Our services include these following:
- Advise for fundamental conditions and procedures of married registration.
- Advise and support to complete files of married registration as well as relatedly required papers.
- Representative of completing procedures married registration.
- Advise for all issues arising after marriage.
If any further questions, please kindly contact to CIS Law Firm to get more precisely essential information by Email: info@cis.vn or telephone: (+84)028.39118581.
CIS Law Firm will help you to solve all issues related with divorce including issues which involve foreign elements by following services:
- Advise regulations of divorce.
- Advise for unilaterally or bilateral divorced requirement.
- Participate in negotiation, mediation.
- Arrange for all relatively fundamental documents, evidences for resolution process.
- Participate in court proceeding.
Moreover, CIS provides services after divorcing.
- Alter individual directly raising children after separation or divorce;
- Dispute of alimony;
- Request for limiting parent rights for minor children or the rights to visit children after divorce;
- Advise and implement requesting for execution of judgment, valid decision of court.
- Advise and request for recognition and enforcement of foreign Court’s judgment, decision on marriage and family issues in Vietnam; or non-recognition of foreign Court’s judgment, decision on marriage and family issues without enforced requirement in Vietnam.
If any further question, please kindly contact to CIS Law Firm to get more precisely essential information by Email: info@cis.vn or telephone: (+84)028.39118581.
Overseas Vietnamese are allowed to purchase, hire-purchase enterprises commercial housing, co-operative real estate business; purchase, donee, exchangee, inherited housing from individuals, households; accept to transfer land using rights in the building commercial housing invested projects. One should be noted that all essential papers proving for Vietnamese nationality or Vietnamese origin should be legally available.
CIS Law Firm in this field will include these following:
- Advise all fundamental house trading conditions in Vietnam;
- Advise and provide all necessity papers;
- Support in inquiring about the house;
- Participate in negotiation, bargaining in the trading agreement.
- Advise and implement procedures on regularizing real estate, application for ownership, using rights;
- Advise and implement procedures of construction work application;
- Advise for disputed issues.
If any further question, please kindly contact to CIS Law Firm to get more precisely essential information by Email: info@cis.vn or telephone: (+84)028.39118581.
Subject of this scope
- Foreign entities who invest in project-based housing construction in Vietnam as prescribed in this Law and corresponding regulations of law;
- Foreign-invested enterprises, branches, representative offices of foreign enterprises, foreign-invested funds and branches of foreign banks operating in Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as foreign organization);
- Foreign individuals who are allowed to enter Vietnam.
Conditions of owning house:
- The foreign entity prescribed in Point a Clause 1 Article 159 of Housing Law is entitled to exercise rights of homeowners as prescribed in Article 10 of this Law, if his/her house is built on a piece of leased land, he/she is only entitled to lease that house.
- The foreign entity prescribed in Point b Clause 1 Article 159 of this Law is required to have an Investment certificate or a Permission to run business in Vietnam (hereinafter referred to as Certificate of investment) issued by the competent agency in Vietnam.
- The foreign entity prescribed in Point c Clause 1 Article 159 of this Law is required to have a permission to enter Vietnam and he/she is not granted diplomatic immunity and privileges as prescribed.
- The Government provides guidance on documentary evidence for entities or requirements pertaining to foreign entities qualifying for the homeownership in Vietnam.
CIS Law Firm will help you to solve all issues by following services:
- Advise essential information of subjects and conditions may own housing legally;
- Advise and support in purchasing;
- Advise and implement procedures for ownership certificate granting order;
- Be consultant and participate in solving disputes.
If any further question, please kindly contact to CIS Law Firm to get more precisely essential information by Email: info@cis.vn or telephone: (+84)028.39118581.